12 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Influence of Pavement Irregularities on the Lifespan of a Vehicle's Drive-Wheel Half Shaft

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    As a complex technical system, a vehicle requires a full analysis of its dynamic behaviour. A vehicle is the research subject requiring a detailed analysis of all separate systems both individually and in mutual interaction. One of the technical aspects of vehicle analysis is the lifespan of each element. This paper presents an analysis of the impact of the characteristics of pavement irregularities on the lifespan of a half shaft. In this paper, a mathematical model and a computer simulation of vehicle half-shaft loads have been set up. The importance of this approach is reflected in the use of state-of-the-art computational methods of analysis. The obtained results enable the drawing of clear conclusions about the effects of pavement properties on the lifespan of a vehicle half shaft

    Analysis of the Influence of Pavement Irregularities on the Lifespan of a Vehicle's Drive-Wheel Half Shaft

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    As a complex technical system, a vehicle requires a full analysis of its dynamic behaviour. A vehicle is the research subject requiring a detailed analysis of all separate systems both individually and in mutual interaction. One of the technical aspects of vehicle analysis is the lifespan of each element. This paper presents an analysis of the impact of the characteristics of pavement irregularities on the lifespan of a half shaft. In this paper, a mathematical model and a computer simulation of vehicle half-shaft loads have been set up. The importance of this approach is reflected in the use of state-of-the-art computational methods of analysis. The obtained results enable the drawing of clear conclusions about the effects of pavement properties on the lifespan of a vehicle half shaft

    Zakon o policiji Republike Srbije od 2016. godine - kritički pogled

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    Despite the prevailing view to the contrary, the Police Act of 2016 cannot be said to be a completely new law in the material sense. The manner in which it regulates the major concepts and institutions suggests that it is an amended and supplemented version of the Police Act of2005. The actual reasons for the enactment of the 'new ' law concern the legal employment status of employees of the Ministry of Interior, as well as the reduction of the internal affairs staff. The greatest expectations from the Act are in the part relating to the police staff management, monitoring of employees ' career development, through performance assessment, professional development and other trainings. Although with nomotechnic and editorial shortages, the Police Act, basically, represents an effective legal framework for the performance of, primarily, policing and other related duties.Premda preovladava drugačije stanoviÅ”te, za Zakon o policiji iz 2016. godine se ne može reći da je, u materijalnom smislu, u potpunosti nov zakon. Način uređivanja najznačajnijih pojmova i instituta sugeriÅ”e da je reč o donekle izmenjenoj i dopunjenoj verziji Zakona o policiji iz 2005. godine. Pravi razlozi donoÅ”enja 'novog' zakona tiču se radno-pravnog položaja zaposlenih u Ministarstvu, kao i redukcije kadrova u oblasti unutraÅ”njih poslova. Najveća očekivanja od Zakona su u delu koji se odnosi na upravljanje kadrovima u policiji, praćenje karijernog razvoja zaposlenih, kroz ocenjivanje rezultata rada, stručno usavrÅ”avanje i druge obuke. Iako nomotehnički i redaktorski manjkav, Zakon o policiji, u osnovi, predstavlja delotvoran pravni okvir za obavljanje pre svega policijskih i sa njima povezanih drugih poslova

    Technical regulations and conditions for importing passenger vehicles on the territory of Southeast Europe

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    Ovaj rad se bavi tehničkim propisima u oblasti homologacije vozila, kao i uslovima za uvoz putničkih vozila. Područje koje je analizirano obuhvata region jugoistočne Evrope, odnosno sve republike nekadaÅ”nje Jugoslavije, i dodatno, teritoriju Albanije. Rad je baziran na dva ključna, paralelna sistema koji definiÅ”u uslove i kriterijume za uvoz vozila na teritorijama pomenutih država, i to na: propisima Ekonomske komisije za Evropu Ujedinjenih nacija (UNECE), i propisima Evropske unije (EU). Obe grupe ovih propisa, koji su u značajnoj meri kompatibilni, su detaljno analizirane, sa posebnim akcentom na njihovu primenu u regionu jugoistočne Evrope, i to kroz analizu propisa svih država i teritorija pojedinačno. Nadalje, rad se bavi i kratkoročnim predviđanjima, do kraja 2012. godine, u pogledu izmene tehničkih propisa i uslova za uvoz vozila. Zaključna razmatranja uključuju i dugoročna predviđanja u pogledu pomenutih propisa na predmetnoj teritoriji.This paper deals with technical regulations in the area of vehicle type approval, and conditions for importing passenger vehicles. The territory analyzed comprises the region of Southeast Europe, that is, all former Yugoslav republics, with the addition of Albania. The paper is based on two key, parallel systems which define the conditions and criteria for importing vehicles on the territory of the above-mentioned countries, namely on the regulations of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), and the European Union regulations (EU). Both groups of regulations, which are rather compatible, have been thoroughly analyzed with a special emphasis on their application on the territory of Southeast Europe, through the analysis of regulations of all countries and territories individually. Furthermore, the paper deals with short-term predictions by the end of 2012 focused on changes within technical regulations and conditions for importing vehicles. Final considerations include long-term predictions regarding the mentioned regulations on the above-mentioned territory

    Technical regulations and conditions for importing passenger vehicles on the territory of Southeast Europe

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    Ovaj rad se bavi tehničkim propisima u oblasti homologacije vozila, kao i uslovima za uvoz putničkih vozila. Područje koje je analizirano obuhvata region jugoistočne Evrope, odnosno sve republike nekadaÅ”nje Jugoslavije, i dodatno, teritoriju Albanije. Rad je baziran na dva ključna, paralelna sistema koji definiÅ”u uslove i kriterijume za uvoz vozila na teritorijama pomenutih država, i to na: propisima Ekonomske komisije za Evropu Ujedinjenih nacija (UNECE), i propisima Evropske unije (EU). Obe grupe ovih propisa, koji su u značajnoj meri kompatibilni, su detaljno analizirane, sa posebnim akcentom na njihovu primenu u regionu jugoistočne Evrope, i to kroz analizu propisa svih država i teritorija pojedinačno. Nadalje, rad se bavi i kratkoročnim predviđanjima, do kraja 2012. godine, u pogledu izmene tehničkih propisa i uslova za uvoz vozila. Zaključna razmatranja uključuju i dugoročna predviđanja u pogledu pomenutih propisa na predmetnoj teritoriji.This paper deals with technical regulations in the area of vehicle type approval, and conditions for importing passenger vehicles. The territory analyzed comprises the region of Southeast Europe, that is, all former Yugoslav republics, with the addition of Albania. The paper is based on two key, parallel systems which define the conditions and criteria for importing vehicles on the territory of the above-mentioned countries, namely on the regulations of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), and the European Union regulations (EU). Both groups of regulations, which are rather compatible, have been thoroughly analyzed with a special emphasis on their application on the territory of Southeast Europe, through the analysis of regulations of all countries and territories individually. Furthermore, the paper deals with short-term predictions by the end of 2012 focused on changes within technical regulations and conditions for importing vehicles. Final considerations include long-term predictions regarding the mentioned regulations on the above-mentioned territory

    Evolucija i preobražaji ljudskih prava

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    Since their emergence in ancient times - although in rudimentary form - human rights have continually evolved and have undergone multiple transformations. The initial stage in the development of human rights is characterised by their extremely modest and restrictive practice, as well as by the emergence of the first ideas of natural law that did not tend to change the unjust social reality. The stage of institutionalisation, which began in the Middle Ages, is characterised by the struggle to reduce the monarch's absolute power. This process has enabled a gradual recognition of human rights, primarily the guarantees of personal liberty and security. The process of constitutionalization of human rights, which began with glorious revolutions in the USA and France, was inspired by medieval ideas of natural law. At the time, the natural law theories were actualised for the first time in their history. The next stage in the development of human rights occurred after World War II, with the beginning of the process of their internationalisation and the emergence of human rights protection mechanisms at the international level. Nevertheless, in the recent decades of their development, through conversion into an ideology, human rights have increasingly become a means for manipulation. With their relativization and the growing trend of removing the line between rights and morality, there appeared interpretations that could justify (or condemn) very different life situations and thus present the basis for the application of double standards. Accordingly, human rights must be redefined and freed from association with natural law features; otherwise, they will remain a means for manipulation and pursuit of ethically (non)controversial political goals.Od njihove pojave, doduÅ”e u rudimentarnom obliku, u starom veku, ljudska prava su neprestano evoluirala i viÅ”estruko su transformisana. Početnu fazu u razvoju ljudskih prava odlikuje njihova izrazito skromna i restriktivna praksa, kao i nastanak prvih prirodnopravnih ideja koje nisu imale pretenziju da menjaju nepravednu druÅ”tvenu stvarnost. Fazu institucionalizacije ljudskih prava, započetu u srednjem veku, odlikuje borba za sužavanje monarhove apsolutne vlasti. U tom procesu se postepeno zadobijaju ljudska prava, i to prevashodno garantije lične slobode i bezbednosti. Proces konstitucionalizacije ljudskih prava, započet slavnim revolucijama u SAD i Francuskoj, podstaknut je srednjovekovnim prirodnopravnim idejama. Tada, prvi put u svojoj istoriji, prirodnopravne teorije bivaju otelovljene u stvarnosti. Sledeća faza u njihovom razvoju nastupila je nakon Drugog svetskog rata, kada je doÅ”lo do procesa internacionalizacije ljudskih prava i nastanka mehanizama njihove zaÅ”tite na međunarodnoj ravni. Međutim, ljudska prava u poslednjim decenijama svog razvoja putem ideologizacije postaju sve viÅ”e sredstvo manipulacije. Njihovim relativizovanjem, kao i sve prisutnijim trendom brisanja granica između prava i morala, javljaju se interpretacije koje mogu opravdati (ili osuditi) veoma različite životne situacije i tako predstavljati podlogu za primenu dvostrukih standarda. Upravo iz tog razloga, ljudska prava moraju biti redefinisana i oslobođena svih prirodnopravnih primesa, jer će, u suprotnom, ona i dalje ostati sredstvo za manipulisanje i ostvarivanje moralno (ne)spornih političkih ciljeva

    Evolucija i preobražaji ljudskih prava

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    Since their emergence in ancient times - although in rudimentary form - human rights have continually evolved and have undergone multiple transformations. The initial stage in the development of human rights is characterised by their extremely modest and restrictive practice, as well as by the emergence of the first ideas of natural law that did not tend to change the unjust social reality. The stage of institutionalisation, which began in the Middle Ages, is characterised by the struggle to reduce the monarch's absolute power. This process has enabled a gradual recognition of human rights, primarily the guarantees of personal liberty and security. The process of constitutionalization of human rights, which began with glorious revolutions in the USA and France, was inspired by medieval ideas of natural law. At the time, the natural law theories were actualised for the first time in their history. The next stage in the development of human rights occurred after World War II, with the beginning of the process of their internationalisation and the emergence of human rights protection mechanisms at the international level. Nevertheless, in the recent decades of their development, through conversion into an ideology, human rights have increasingly become a means for manipulation. With their relativization and the growing trend of removing the line between rights and morality, there appeared interpretations that could justify (or condemn) very different life situations and thus present the basis for the application of double standards. Accordingly, human rights must be redefined and freed from association with natural law features; otherwise, they will remain a means for manipulation and pursuit of ethically (non)controversial political goals.Od njihove pojave, doduÅ”e u rudimentarnom obliku, u starom veku, ljudska prava su neprestano evoluirala i viÅ”estruko su transformisana. Početnu fazu u razvoju ljudskih prava odlikuje njihova izrazito skromna i restriktivna praksa, kao i nastanak prvih prirodnopravnih ideja koje nisu imale pretenziju da menjaju nepravednu druÅ”tvenu stvarnost. Fazu institucionalizacije ljudskih prava, započetu u srednjem veku, odlikuje borba za sužavanje monarhove apsolutne vlasti. U tom procesu se postepeno zadobijaju ljudska prava, i to prevashodno garantije lične slobode i bezbednosti. Proces konstitucionalizacije ljudskih prava, započet slavnim revolucijama u SAD i Francuskoj, podstaknut je srednjovekovnim prirodnopravnim idejama. Tada, prvi put u svojoj istoriji, prirodnopravne teorije bivaju otelovljene u stvarnosti. Sledeća faza u njihovom razvoju nastupila je nakon Drugog svetskog rata, kada je doÅ”lo do procesa internacionalizacije ljudskih prava i nastanka mehanizama njihove zaÅ”tite na međunarodnoj ravni. Međutim, ljudska prava u poslednjim decenijama svog razvoja putem ideologizacije postaju sve viÅ”e sredstvo manipulacije. Njihovim relativizovanjem, kao i sve prisutnijim trendom brisanja granica između prava i morala, javljaju se interpretacije koje mogu opravdati (ili osuditi) veoma različite životne situacije i tako predstavljati podlogu za primenu dvostrukih standarda. Upravo iz tog razloga, ljudska prava moraju biti redefinisana i oslobođena svih prirodnopravnih primesa, jer će, u suprotnom, ona i dalje ostati sredstvo za manipulisanje i ostvarivanje moralno (ne)spornih političkih ciljeva

    Fluctuation of the dynamic load nature in the power transmission train

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    U ovom se radu analizira utjecaj parametara: režima rada, konstrukcijskih parametara i parametara stanja prijenosnika snage na dinamičko opterećenje pojedinih njegovih elemenata. Pored analitičkog razmatranja, dani su i rezultati eksperimentalnog ispitivanja utjecaja parametara režima rada i stanja prijenosnika na vrijednost momenta poluvratila jednog putničkog vozila. Na osnovu teorijskih i eksperimentalnih ispitivanja doneseni su zaključci o utjecaju parametara na opterećenje elemenata prijenosnika snage. U radu su također prikazane i usporedbe između koriÅ”tenih modela i metoda ispitivanja.This paper analyses the impact of the selected parameters: operating mode, design parameters and condition of power transmission system onto the dynamic load of some on its components. Apart from analytical considerations, we also offer the experimental results related to the influence of the operating mode parameters and the condition of power transmission train system onto the torque of a passengerā€™s car axle-shaft. On the basis of the theoretical and experimental research, we drew some conclusions related to the impact of some parameters on the power transmission load. Furthermore, we have given the comparative study of the used models and researching methods

    Analysis and Determination of the Lateral Distance Parameters of Vehicles When Overtaking an Electric Bicycle from the Point of View of Road Safety

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    Recent years have witnessed an increasing number of electric bicycles on the roads and a rise in the number of road crashes involving e-bicyclists. There are various causes of road crashes involving e-bicyclists. Out of the total number of fatalities in traffic, bicyclists account for 9% in the Republic of Serbia. Road crashes occurring when motor vehicles overtake bicyclists make up 13% of the total number of road crashes involving bicyclists. Having in mind the above-mentioned, an experimental study has been conducted in order to analyze whether the use of helmets and reflective vests, different vehicle categories, and the speed of electric bicycles affect the lateral distance when overtaking e-bicycles. This research analyzed the lateral distance of 1228 vehicles overtaking an e-bicyclist. There are statistically significant differences in the lateral distance when overtaking an e-bicycle regarding helmet use, different vehicle categories overtaking the e-bicycle, and different speeds of the e-bicycle. The results showed that a faster speed of an e-bicycle led to a shorter lateral distance when overtaking it and that SUV drivers (along with motorcycle drivers) had the shortest lateral distance when overtaking e-bicycles

    What Causes Changes in Passenger Behavior in South-East Europe during the COVID-19 Pandemic?

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    The appearance of the COVID-19 virus in Europe, at the beginning of 2020, brought many challenges and changes to society. These changes affected the behavior, desires, and needs of passengers in vehicles. The change in passenger behavior has contributed to the more difficult organization of passenger transport and traffic management. For these reasons, in the countries of South-East Europe (Serbia, Montenegro, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, the Republic of Northern Macedonia and Croatia), this survey was conducted in order to examine which demographic characteristics of respondents (age, gender, residence, education, and health) influence choice of transport, with the aim to optimize the transport system in times of crisis in this region. 786 respondents participated in the research. The results showed that the acceptability of vehicle occupancy most often differs with respect to age, education, and health conditions of the respondents. The obtained results will greatly help the organizers of public transport and the transport system in the region, since based on these results they can have an insight into the demographic factors that influence the choice of transport mode during a crisis